It’s Tuesday, let’s say it together Toosda……’s a funny word, like it is supposed to be twice the day, one more than the rest.  On top and better than Monday, Monday is hated not looked forward to and the only time anyone can say they like it is at the end of the day.  No Tuesday is not quite Wednesday, the humpday of the week, but it holds it own because it is a path on it’s way to Friday.  Tuesday is hoped for and not hated, yes I can see it is twice the day more than Monday.  But what it doesn’t have is a song and Monday does.  Of course the old saying goes if you don’t have anything nice to say…….and that would mean  a song as well. Don’t you think so? 

I am well on my way today and right next to Wednesday, but  let’s get the streamers and confetti ready because Friday will be  rubbing elbows with Thursday and soon there will be a party going down and all this because we cursed Monday and right now am friends with Tuesday.  Whoo hoo!

